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• The title of the published collection of Liaquat’s speeches meant to introduce Pakistan to the West? Pakistan, Heart of Asia
• Conspiracy to overthrow Liaquat Government come to light Rawal Pindi: March 1951
• Liaquat Ali khan was assassinated in Rawalpindi on 16th October, 1951. Was buried in Karachi near Quaid.
• Liaquat ali Khan born in Kernal (East Punjab) on 1st Oct: 1895.
• Who replaced Liaquat Ali Khan as Prime Minister? Khawajah Nazimuddin
• Who replaced Nazimuddin as Governor General? Ghulam Muhammad
• Jamilla was the first Muslim girl who hoisted Muslim League flag onteh Punjab Secreterat, Lahore (1946)
• Rawalpindi became the temporary capital of Pak: in 1960.
• First commissioner of Sindh Charles Napier.
• Sindh assembly proclaimed Sindhi as official language of Sindh in 1972.
• Baluchistan got status of province on 1st July, 1970.
• Pak: bought Gawader (1958) & Jiwani from Oman.
• Pak: came into being on 27 Ramzan, 1366 A.H Thursday.
• Pak: standard time was adopted on Oct:1, 1951.
• Population Census-1951, 61,72,81,98.
• The only vice-president of Pak: Noorul Amin.
• Father’s name of Quaid= Jinnah Poonja
• Father’s name of Iqbal=Shaikh Noor Mohd:
• 27 Oct: 1947 was observed “Black Day” as Indian forces landed in Azad Kashmir.
• Sheikh Abdullah was called founder of National Conference.
• Indian Forces occupied Kashmir the state of Jammu and Kashmir on October 27, 1947.
• Distance of Kashmir from Pakistan is 250 miles.
• Hari Singh was the maharaja of Kashmir in 1947.
• % of Muslim population in Kashmir in 1947 was 78%.
• UN commission members for India & Pak: were 3 (later 5) visited in July,1948.
• Sir Owen Dixon was UN Representative for demilitarization of Kashmir.
• National anthem of Pakistan was played for the first time on August 13, 1954.
• Urdu made National Language in April 1954 it has 37 letters.
• Birth place of Quaid Wazir Mension.
• House of Quaid Mohata Palace.
• Allama Iqbal’s tomb was built in 1951.
• Liaquat Nehru Pact= April 1951.
• 17th Oct: 1951 Liaquat shot dead in Rawalpindi by Syed Akbar.
• Liaquat visited USA in 1951.
• Pakistan issued it first coin on 3rd Jan: 1948.
• Quaid inaugurated State Bank on 1st July’1948.
• National Bank of Pakistan formed in 1948.
• First postal stamp issued in 1948.
• Karachi radio station inaugurated by Liaquat on 14th August’1948.
• Pakistan recognized China in 1949.
• In 1949 July, Pak: got Siachen under Karachi agreement.
• Siachen is located in Baltistan.
• Siachen is world’s 2nd highest glacier.
• 22 points of Ulema put on 24th Jan: 1951 by 31 Ulema.
• BBC started its first Urdu service on 13th April, 1949.
• In 1950, Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot founded Jinnah Muslim League party.
• PIA founded: 1954 started international service: 1955 to Jordan via Cairo.
• Pakistan got status of Test cricket in 1952.
• Sui gas founded in 1952.
• First five year plan launched in1955.
• National Anthem first broadcasted on radio: 13 August, 1954.
• Pakistan signed CENTO (Baghdad Pact) on 23Sep: 1955.
• West Pakistan declared “one unit” in 1955 by Mohd: Ali Bogra.
• “One unit” repealed on 1st Jan: 1971.
• First acting Governor General of Pak: was Major General Sikandar Mirza 17th August 1955 to 16th Oct: 1955.
• President Iskandar Mirza visited Afghanistan in 1956.
• One unit bill passed during the period of Chaudhry Mohd: Ali 14th oct: 1955 and cancelled on 25th March 1969 by Yahya .
• During one unit first GG of west Pak: was Nawab Mushtaque Ahmed Gormani and first CM was Dr. Khan Sahib In 1956.
• Pakistan became Islamic Republic on 23rd March, 1956.
• 1956 constitution was presented in assembly in Feb 29, 1956.
• Martial law was imposed in Lahore in 1953.
• Ch: Rehmat Ali is buried in Cambridge (London)
• Pakistan joined SEATO in Sep: 1954.
• In Sept: 1958 Gawadar was bought by Khan of Kalat at 40 lacs pounds from Oman
• 1st Martial Law= 7 Oct: 1958
• 2nd Martial Law=26 March 1969
• 3rd Martial Law=7 July 1977
• Ayub became first elected president on 17 Feb: 1960.
• Ayub transferred capital from Karachi to Islamabad on 1st August 1960.
• Indus Basin Treaty signed under World Bank in Sep: 1960.
• Pakistan made boundary agreement with Iran on 21st May 1960.
• U2 incident happened in 1960.
• Ayub khan appointed Ameer Muhammad Khan as Governor of West Pakistan.
• Ayub visited US & Queen Elizbeth visited Pakistan in 1961.
• Ayub Khan visited USSR on 3rd April, 1965, US in 1961.
• Television started on 26 Nov: 1964.
• Zafarullah Khan served as president of UN General Assembly’s 7th session in 1962.
• Boundary agreement with China was signed in 1963.
• Agreement with Canada on first nuclear power station in Karachi was signed in 1965.
• Z.A Bhutto served as F.M in Ayub Govt:
• Convention League was formed by Ayub.
• 1965 war started from 6 to 22 Sept: 1965.
• Defense day is celebrated in Pakistan since 1966.
• Major Aziz Bhatti was martyred in 1965 war.
• Tashkent Pact was signed by Ayub Khan & Shastri on 3 Jan:, 1966 (USSR, Kosijin)
• Fatima Jinnah died in 1967. She was born on 1st August, 1893.
• Kashmir valley is b/w Big Hamalia and Little Hamlia.
• Length of Indus from Hamalia to Arabian Sea is 1980 miles.
• Ancient name of India was Arya Warat.
• LFO was promulgated on 30th March, 1970 by Yahya Khan.
• The post of C-in-C was converted into the post of Chief of Staff in 1970.
• 2nd war between India & Pakistan: 3 to 17 Dec: 1971.
• Last commander of Pak: in East Pak: Abdullah Khan Naizi.
• PNSC established on 1st March 1979.
• PTV started its color transmission on December 20th, 1976.
• Pakistan signed PTBT in 1978.
• Post of Commander-in-Chief changed to Chief of Staff in 1970.
• Post of Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff was created in 1976.
• East Pakistan became Bangladesh on 16 Dec: 1971.
• Simla Agreement signed b/w Bhutto and Indra Gandhi on 2nd July’1972.
• Nationalization of educational institutions & industries in 1972.
• Nationalization of banks made in 1974.
• Denationalization of banks make on Jan:9, 1991 (First MCB).
• Pak: Broadcasting Corporation established on Dec: 20, 1972.
• The constitution of 1973 was enforced on 1 March 1973.
• PM under the 1973 constitution is the head of the cabinet.
• The first general elections under the 1973 constitution were held in 1977.
• First biogas plant established in 1974.
• Ahmadis declared non-Muslims in 1974.
• Colour transmission started on 20th Dec: 1976.
• First electric train started in 1970.
• Steel Mill founded in 1973 (USSR aided) in Bin Qasim.
• Pakistan recognized Bangladesh in 1974.
• Pakistan joined OIC in 1974, NAM in 1979, PTBT in 1978, SAARC in 1985.
• Hudood ordinance enforced on 10 Feb: 1979.
• Dr. Abdul Salam awarded Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979.
• Faiz Ahmed Faiz got Lenin Prize.
• Zia successed ex-President Fazal Ellahi Choudhri.
• In dec: 1981, Ziaul Haq announced Majlis-e-Shoora with 350 members.
• Zakat & Ushr ordinance promulgated in 1980.
• Wafaqui Mohtasib was created in 1983.
• 8th amendment introduced in 1985.
• Gen.Zia lifted Martial Law on 30th December, 1985.
• Nuclear cooperation pact with China was made on 15th Sep: 1986.
• Ojri camp tragedy occurred on 10 april 1988.
• The Junejo government was dismissed on 29th May, 1988.
• Zia died on 17 August, 1988.
• US ambassador who died with Zia was Arnold Raphael.
• Ghulam Ishaque Khan became president of Pakistan in 1988.
• Pakistan’s re-entry in common wealth in 1989.
• First test tube baby at Lahore in 1989.
• PTV2: 1992, PTV Morning: Jan 6, 1988, PTV:Sep: 2000.
• Kargil Crisis in 1999.
• Musharaf elected president (10th) on 20 June, 2001.
• Durand Line agreement b/w Sir Martimur Durand the FS of Britain and Amir
•Abur Rehman, the Afghan ruler November 12, 1893 at Kabul (2050 km, 1300 miles)
• HBFC was set up in Nov: 1952.
• First satellite Badr-I launched on 16 July, 1990.
• On 28 May, 1998 five blasts made at Chagi, the day is known as Yum-e-Takbir.
• On 17 May, 1998 India blasted in Pokhran (Rajistan).
• Pak: entered nuclear club on 28 May, 1998.
• First bank of Pak: = Habib Bank.
• Defece day=6th Sep:
• Defence day of Pakistan is celebrated on Sep: 6 since 1966
• Airforce day= 7th Sep:
• Navy Day=8th Sep:
• Kashmir Day=5th Feb:
• Friday was declared holiday in Jan: 1977.
• EBODO promulgated in 1959.
• PRODA came in 1949-1954.
• Wheat crisis occurred in 1952.
• Number of basic democratc was 80,000.
• Ghuauri is Surface to Surface missile.
• Anza is Surface to Air missile.
• Age of senator is 30.
• Age of PM is 35.
• Number of tribal areas is 11.
• Pakistan Withdrew from SEATO in 1973.
• Pakistan left CENTO in March 1979.
• Nasir Shabir was first Pakistani to conquer Mount Everest.
• Capital of was shifted from Karachi to Islamabad on 1 August 1960.
• Indus Basin Treaty was concluded on 19th Sep 1960.
• KANNUP was established in 1971.
• Tashkent Declaration was signed on 10 Jan 1966.
• Saudi King Shah Faisal visited Pakistan in the year of 1966 and 1974.
• Pakistan was suspended from commonwealth on 18 Oct 1999.
• Mr. Ghulam Muhammad was finance minister before becoming governor general of Pakistan.
• Badr I launched on 16th July 1990.
• First Agriculture University was established in Faisalabasd.
• Pakistan joined SEATO in 1954 but later withdrew from it in the year 1973.
• Moraji Desai, former PM of India was the only Indian leader awarded the highest award of Pakistan for a civilian.

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