7 Cs of Communication

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7 Cs of Communication
For better understanding of written (Letter, application or any other thing) and verbal communication, there are seven points to be kept in mind, since every point starts from English Alphabet “C”, so these are known as 7 Cs of Communication. Remember these Cs to convey your message in an impressive way. Its explanation is as under:

1- Completeness:
It is the most important point whether you are going to communicate in written or spoken, your message should be complete in the sense that all the necessary details are provided and there is no ambiguity in the message you want to convey. No important point should be missed.

2- Conciseness:
Conciseness as from the name is obvious means to use least possible words but in full complete message. You should communicate the matter to the point only. It is time-saving as well as cost-saving. It shows that the main message is short and essential one because you use limited words in comprehensive manner which are also non-repetitive in nature.

3- Consideration:
Consideration means to communicate from the audience point of view and use the statements according to the discussion background. It depends upon the mind-set and education level of audience. Remember their self-respect should not be degraded in any way. Take care that their emotions are not at harm. Modify your words in message to suit the audience’s needs or it can be said that “You” approach is given priority under this head. Give your opinion but discuss in such a way that exhibits interest of all others. Show optimism e.g. “what is possible” rather than “what is impossible”. Use positive words such as jovial (joyful) committed, thanks, warm, healthy, help, etc.

4- Clarity:
Clarity means to use clear words that are easier with respect to the understanding of people whom you are talking to. It enhances the meaning of message. Try to convey appropriate and clear words, not ambiguous that can mislead other.

5- Concreteness:
It is 5th C of communication which means to be particular and explicit (clear) rather than fuzzy and general. Concreteness strengthens the confidence. You are required to use certain facts and figures and add images while writing. It plays a vital role in building your nice reputation otherwise your message may be misinterpreted. Don’t use abstract words. Your approach should be Denotative rather than Connotative.

6- Courtesy:
It means that try to convey your message sincerely in a polite, judicious, reflective and enthusiastic way. It also demands that your statement is positive and focused at the targeted audience but it doesn’t mean that there is some kind of favoritism involved, it should not be biased.

7- Correctness:
This is the last C of communication and very simple and obvious i.e. there should be no grammatical errors in sentences you make. Your message must be exact, correct and well-timed. It will boost up your confidence level and has a greater impact upon participants of the discussion.
Awareness of these 7 C’s of communication makes you an effective communicator.


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