You Will Not Pay For Smiling – By Shahid Hamid Gill

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Smiling Is A Universal Language. Its a free of cost.

The world is full of good people. If you can’t find one, be one. Simple acts of kindness have a positive and distinct reciprocal effect. We can do some of these fascinating things about grinning with teeth. Smiling can immediately lower others’ defenses (anger, jealousy, etc.). Smiling is contagious. It releases endorphins. And can reduce blood pressure.

1. Show them something funny

Laughter is the best medicine. It’s an incredible feeling to get people giggling and seeing their demeanor lighten up in an instant. Use the rule of three as a joke structure: same, same, different. For example: I went to the grocery to buy vegetable, milk and lipstick. This third different will make other laugh.

2. Give them a small gift

Giving makes us feel happy. Scientists also believe that altruistic behavior releases endorphins in the brain, producing the positive feeling known as the “helper’s high. Giving is good for our health. If you know the person, consider giving a small gift. Wrap it up nicely, and it will probably make for a pleasant surprise for both giver and taker.

3. Say “Thank You.”

No doubt, these two words are very common but they are the most cherished words for someone to hear. It’s actually a form of express other work, attention and care.”

4. Listen

It may sound strange but sometimes a person does not need anything but only someone to listen to him or her. So give them full attention when he or she talking. This may produce a smile.

5. Give a heartfelt compliment

These compliments focus on the joy, fun, and positive outlook the person brings. For example, your smile is contagious, I bet you make babies smile, you have the best laugh, you light up the room, you have a great sense of humor, if cartoon bluebirds were real, a couple of them would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now etc.

6. Bring them a coffee or tea

Though it’s a small act but ensues others’ happiness.

7. Reach out to someone who wants to hear from you

We might have not thought about those who really want to listen our voice. We should approach them within no time shower our some of the moments of our life to speak them about something that may make them happy.

8. Be affectionate

If you know the person well, give undivided attention while talking and give a hug. You may put an arm around them, give them a peck on the cheek, or otherwise show some physical affection. Know their love language. Anticipate their needs and let them know that you are there to care. And be receptive to their affection.

9. Tell a Joke

A joke, or something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement can be something as simple as a knock knock joke or as detailed as a long, interesting story with a punchline

10. Present a bunch of flowers.

It’s not necessary to go to shop to buy some sort of flowers. You may go out into a grassy field, and pluck a handful of flowers, wrap them up nicely, and give them to the person. Though it’s not a common to pluck wildflowers but it’s a really good gesture to show your love and concern.

11. Share a meal

The more often people eat with others, the more likely they are to feel happy and satisfied with their lives. Sharing meal is not only a physical or practical act but it transforms the emotions to each other.

12. Write a handwritten note or letter

Handwritten personal letters build relationships in a way no other communication can. It’s always a pleasure to find a note or card from a friend. An actual handwritten piece of mail, even a notecard, gives a more satisfying feeling than email. That’s why I insist on sending, if not full-fledged letters, at least cards with my real signature for the major holidays throughout the year.

13. Give a generous tip

The benefits of giving are significant. It can change your life and its better for physical and mental health. According to those studies: lower blood pressure, lower risk of dementia, less anxiety and depression, reduced cardiovascular risk, and overall greater happiness.

14. I am proud of you

Saying “I’m proud of you” has a way of lifting a person’s self-esteem. It’s a form of encouragement.

15. Change their screensaver

When someone moves away from his mobile or computer, change the screen saver, if possible, to something that will make him smile.

16. Remove their loneliness, or let them know you’re there

As mentioned above, sometimes we just need someone to listen. Often we need catharsis. If someone is not quite yet ready to talk, that’s okay. At least, let him know that you are there with him. This may just bring a smile to their face.

17. Say “I’m sorry.”

Apologies re-establish dignity for those you hurt. Letting the injured party know that you know it was your fault, not theirs, helps them feel better, and it helps them save face. Apologizing helps repair relationships by getting people talking again, and makes them feel comfortable with each other again. Even if you are not at fault, your expressing regret words will strengthen your relations.

18. Make a silly face

Sometimes we have to forget everything about our age and status. We should make funny faces to cheer someone up. Silly faces may look apparently meaningless to someone but are hilarious!

19. Share some old pictures.

If you are close each other, then send him any old picture of trip or gathering etc., this will surely bring a smile on his face and can cause to remove the clouds of worry in his mind.

20. Speak some genuine words of encouragement

Often a few well-chosen words can go a long way in helping someone to overcome their problems and grieves; and such words can lessen the stress and anxiety and entail some sort of happiness.


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