What Are The Drivers of Human Destruction? – By Shahid Hamid Gill

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Irrespective of race or religion, salient drivers have the contribution with regards to human destruction. The first and foremost, leading a vital role as a leader is “The Greed”. All that destroys men is a form of greed. Either their own greed or the greed of others. Economic collapse, war or homelessness all entail the greed of others.

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The greed of others is the chief cause of poverty which is a form of destruction, violence and mighty against large groups of people. As a result, the violence created by greed is turned against the poor.

Unfortunately, middle and upper classes, imperceptibly, are taught that the poor are poor because God has predetermined these people to be poor and the poverty is proof of their damned condition. In return, the rich are wealthy because they are predestined and the show of their wealth is proof that they are the elect. This can create untold destruction and suffering for humanity.

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Photo by Steve Knutson on Unsplash

A man must always have his desire at the limit. As, over-desire can definitely lead to his downfall.

Another, one of the human’s destruction factors is Ego. It makes a man less compassionate. It pushes people away from you and doesn’t let love to enter into your life. It blocks personality growth and makes man irrational as well as competitive in an unhealthy way. It does make a man critical; and kills happiness and rises more stress.

image source: connectx.co.ke

More than anything external, the failure to live up to the stories people make up about themselves in their own heads leads to destruction. They build castles in the air; and deem that they deserve hot girls and an amazing jobs! Because they are hard workers;” and then when neither girl nor job are granted, the bitterness starts to creep in.

image source: ratiocinativa.wordpress.com

Neither they respect themselves nor they learn to understand that demanding and taking are not the same as earning. These destroy men more than anything else.

Drugs will destroy a person faster and more effectively than anything else. At one stage, the addiction to drugs becomes lust of greed.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

A great factor that can lead to human destruction is poverty. Nothing is faster or surer than poverty that vanishes into the valley of destruction.

Fall of fame, intelligence, strength, morality, emotion, courage, money and freedom (birth right) might drag human into the ocean of destruction.

Destruction is at hand when you don’t have a proper discipline, having inferiority complex, the fear of being wrong stops you from expressing as well as when you don’t accept your mistake. Nothing can destroy you when you realize. It’s you who can overcome, forgive and forget it whatever it is.

image source: pixels.com

Emotional baggage is the most important factor of human’s destruction. Without good emotional health, life can be wrecked.

Emptiness is another factor of human destruction. Contentment can draw a man out of well of destruction. Fortune makes you happy, adversity makes you fight, anger makes you hate, peace makes you rest, pain makes you stronger but emptiness slowly eats you from the inside. So, in this case, contentment can save a man from devastation.

image source: en.wikipedia.org

Irrefutably, lust of human desires and hopelessness push him into dump of devastation.

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