GK about Computer Science..!!!!
1. Which one of the following would not be considered as a form of secondary storage?
(a) Floppy Disk (b) Optical Disk (c) RAM (d) Flash Drive (e) Hard Disk
(Ans : c)
2. The Processor is an example of computer–
(a) Software (b) Output Unit (c) Storage (d) Program (e) Hardware (Ans : e)
3. A hexadecimal number is a number to the base–
(a) 2 (b) 20 (c) 16 (d) 4 (e) 8
(Ans : c)
4. Java in computer programming is a–
(a) Compiler (b) Hardware Device Driver (c) Low-level Language
(d) High-level Language (e) Programming Mid-level Language
(Ans : d)
5. Which of the following is not a binary number?
(a) 01010 (b) 11111 (c) 31121 (d) 00000 (e) 110110
(Ans : c)
6. What does the acronym WAN stand for?
(a) Widest Area Network (b) Wild Area Network (c) Wide Area Networking
(d) Wide Area. Network (e) Wider Area Network (Ans : d)
7. FTP is an acronym for–
(a) File Transaction Protocol (b) File Truncation Protocol (c) File Translation Protocol
(d) File Transfer Protocol (e) File Transmission Protocol
(Ans : d)
8. Connections to the Internet using a phone line and a modem are called….. connections.
(a) Digital (b) Dial-up (c) Broadband (d) Dish (e) Both (b) and (c) (Ans : b)
9. Documents converted to….. can be published to the web.
(a) A doc file (b) HTTP (c) machine language (d) HTML (e) None of these
(Ans : b)
10. What is extension of Microsoft Word document?
(a) txt (b) doc (c) ppt (d) xls (e) psd
(Ans : b)
Computer Related Memory Unit
1 Bit = Binary Digit
4 bits = 1 Nibble
8 Bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte
1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte
1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte
1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte
1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte
1024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte
1024 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte
1024Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte
1024 Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte
1024 Geopbyte=1 Saganbyte
1024 Saganbyte=1 Pijabyte
Alphabyte = 1024 Pijabyte
Kryatbyte = 1024 Alphabyte
Amosbyte = 1024 Kryatbyte
Pectrolbyte = 1024 Amosbyte
Bolgerbyte = 1024 Pectrolbyte
Sambobyte = 1024 Bolgerbyte
Quesabyte = 1024 Sambobyte
Kinsabyte = 1024 Quesabyte
Rutherbyte = 1024 Kinsabyte
Dubnibyte = 1024 Rutherbyte
Seaborgbyte = 1024 Dubnibyte
Bohrbyte = 1024 Seaborgbyte
Hassiubyte = 1024 Bohrbyte
Meitnerbyte = 1024 Hassiubyte
Darmstadbyte = 1024 Meitnerbyte
Roentbyte = 1024 Darmstadbyte
Coperbyte = 1024 Roentbyte
Computer Knowledge : Important List
of Founders / Inventors
C —– Dennis Ritchie
C++ —– Bjarne Stroustrup
JAVA —— James Gosling
JavaScript —–Brendan Eich
COBOL —- Grace Murray Hopper
BASIC —- John G. Kemeny and
Thomas E. Kurtz
FORTRAN —- John Backus
Algorithm — alKhwarizmi
DOS —– Tim Paterson
Linux OS —- Linus Torvalds
Unix —– Dennis Ritchie
Windows —- Bill Gates
Oracle — Ed Oates, Larry Ellison,
Bob Miner
Microsoft —- Paul Allen and Bill
IBM —— Thomas J. Watson
Yahoo —- Jerry Yang , David Filo
Google — Larry Page, Sergey Brin
Gmail —– Paul Buchheit
WWW — Tim Berners-Lee
RDBMS —- Edgar F. Codd
Mouse — Douglas Engelbart
first general-purpose computer,
the IBM 701. —- Cuthbert Hurd
ENIAC, UNIVAC — John Mauchly
father of Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence. —– Alan
Facebook ——- Mark Elliot
Twitter — Jack Dorsey, Evan
Williams, Biz Stone
Whasapp —- Jan Koum and Brian
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