

An Umbrella of Satisfaction – By Shahid Hamid Gill

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Satisfaction or gratification is not an external phenomenon rather it’s an internal experience. It is the act of fulfilling a need, desire, or appetite, or the feeling gained from such fulfillment. Satisfaction means you’ve had enough — in a good way.

Life satisfaction involves a favorable attitude towards one’s life rather than assessing of current feelings. Life satisfaction or contentment has been measured in relation to economic standing, degree of education, experiences, residence, among many other topics. I would say life satisfaction is a key part of subjective well-being.

There are two main kinds of satisfaction under the umbrella of Life Satisfaction:



1- Physical Satisfaction: Comprises mental satisfaction, body Survival Needs (essentials) and sexuality.

a) Mental Satisfaction

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense delight. So by that definition, it’s a mental state that one be gratified or contented. However happiness is many things to many people that varies person to person.

With regards to customers, we may classify four types of customer satisfaction with reference to their online shopping: economic satisfaction, social satisfaction, transaction-specific satisfaction and overall satisfaction.

All type of masses keep on seeking their satisfaction through the fulfillment of lusts. Lust can be defined as the strong, passionate longing or desire for certain things: not only sex, but also money, power, fame, food, drink and knowledge.

Human does try to satisfy himself with the beauty and natural scenes through visual sources. Expressions in different form which includes, relating tales, gossiping, rejoicing recalling their past life events do cause to placate our psychological, emotional and mental state.

Mental satisfaction entails happiness that is a mystical or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant sentiments ranging from contentment to intense delight.” And of course, if you ask someone if they are cheerful, they will most likely reflect on how they texture.

Body to body contact may be referred to both emotional and body gratification. For instance, kissing, hugging and sexual intercourse result in delighting our emotions and body letup.

b) Body Survival Needs (Satisfaction):

To sustain human life, certain physiological needs include air, water, food, shelter, sanitation, sleep, and personal space are essential.As humans have evolved to interact in community settings, both hunting and gathering in groups, touch — as in a caring embrace — is often considered an elementary human survival necessity.

In addition to these body essentials, human yet has the desire to pacify the body by physical intimacy and tasting.

The Taste is also linked to body contentment. There are five universally accepted basic tastes that stimulate and are perceived by our taste buds. The tongue is sensitive to: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. But some of the Scientists describe seven basic tastes: bitter, salty, sour, astringent, sweet, pungent (e.g. chili), and umami, the taste of MSG. Umami is a Japanese word meaning “savory” or “meaty” and thus applies to the sensation of savoriness

Classification of physical intimacy satisfaction:

Physical intimacy include being inside someone’s personal space, holding hands, kissing, hugging, caressing and sexual activity. It is possible to be physically intimate with someone without actually touching them; however, a certain sensual proximity is required

Holding Hands:

Researchers know that human touch can produce oxytocin in the brain. This chemical is responsible for that warm, fuzzy feeling you feel when you are in love. By holding hands each other is an increasing the bond between you. It’s a sign of predilection and affection, a sign of wanting to be close to someone and close with someone. There’s a certain energy exchange that travel through two entities and one can feel from holding hands with someone, particularly if one has feelings for the person.

The Finger Grab:

This type of hand gesture often means both of you are extremely independent but like being together.

The Passive Grasp:

It looks like you’re cupping your partner’s hand firmly within your own. This handhold also works in reverse.

The Downward Palm:

Typically, this kind of hand holding style is interpreted as one person being more dominant and the other being more passive.

The Wrist Hold:

This handhold may seem needy or aggressive, but it generally is not. It shows that both partners need to be around each other and feel physically close to each other.

The Over the Shoulder:

This type of style makes casual gesture demonstrating extremely loving and protective. And it reflects aiming to a loving, intimate bond and a desire to be closer to your partner.

The Relaxed Hold:

This handhold indicates your confident relationship and your partner is completely on your side.

Interlocked Fingers:

Interlocked or Interlaced fingers symbolize passion and a strong connection between two people. This level of intimacy expresses the deep connection between the couple. While they are physically attracted to each other, their bond goes beyond just looks.

The One-Finger Hold:

This type of hand hold signifies good things. Showing relaxed enough with your partner to not worry about appearances. In addition, this handhold is playful and rather romantic.

The Protective Hand Hold:

It reveals a mutual protectiveness about each other, a respectful bond, healthy relationship, adoration, trust and a deep love for one another.

The Double-Hand Wrap:

This type of handhold demonstrates that he wants more skin-to-skin contact with you.

The Firm Grip:

It’s either a strong communication of intense feelings or it can also be not nurturance, but reassurance of safety. It’s, “I got you”.

The Flimsy Grip:

This type of handhold just meaning that you’re in a public place where he feels uncomfortable being more obvious in showing his affection.

The Non-Hold

It’s not really hand hold but some other physical gestures like the butt grab tending theexpression that he is only in the relationship for the physical benefits


The act of kissing causes a chemical reaction in the brain, including a burst of the hormone oxytocin. It’s often denoted to as the “love hormone’’, as it stirs up feelings of affection and attachment. Oxytocin is particularly significant in serving men bond with a partner and stay monogamous

In short, women may use kissing as a screening tool to find a man with the right pheromones. Once, a right mate is found, kissing is executed to enhance mutual emotional state of attachment. On the other hand, for men, kissing may denote to a life partner or girlfriend primarily to gain sexual right of entry.

14 flashes of Kisses and their gist

Kissing on the cheek:having a kiss on the cheek causes transmissionof affection, support and complicity, regardless of physical attraction. It’s a short peck on the cheek, often in combination with a hand on the arm or a half embrace. For some cultures, it’s a gesture to express hello or goodbye

Kissing on the lips:kiss on the lips: implies passion, may mean “I love you” or “I want to date you.” If it is carried out very quickly, just barely touching one another’s lips, it may refer to simply friendship with someone.

Kissing on forehead: a gentle expression of admiration, usually it is a kiss of friendship or a starter kiss for something for romantic later.

Kissing on the collarbone:an effective seductive gesture that implies intimacy and manifests a certain degree of erotic intention in the giver.

Kissing on the ears:a gesture charged with passionate sexual intention and power. It may be taken not too seriously, depending on the intensity with which the kiss is given. This kiss is instilled with the energy of play and mischief.

Kissing on the hands:It’s a chivalrous move either in women or men, implies admiration, tenderness, or desire for love. Furthermore, it’s an expression of trust on the part of the giver.

The Eskimo kiss: rubbing up two noses against each other and move back and forth. A romantic option for those living in cold climates.

Butterfly kiss: When two people get so close to each other face while they kiss that their eyelashes connect. This kind of kiss and its gesture is for those madly infatuated or in love with each other

Kiss of an angel: a gentle kiss on someone’s eyelids and a sweet gesture between two people that deeply love each other. Parents to their child and spouses to each other can do it.

The bite and nibble: Delicately biting and nibbling on certain parts of a person’s facial features like cheeks, nose and chin; and eventually planted on the neck. Profoundly sensual kiss that is spontaneous between lovers and radiates intimacy and eroticism.

The Jaw Kiss: a gentle and yet incredibly sensual kiss on partner’s jaw. Kiss for those who are already deeply in love and very close to each other.

Kissing accompanied by an embrace:this is an expression of strong affection and surrender during both bodies are in close contact. Both are eager to give in to one another on both a sensual and a sexual level.

Kissing accompanied by penetrating look of endearment:this kind of kiss causes tenderly loved, whether the kiss is on the face or the lips

The big tease: one teases partner while getting to explore body with lips starting from the forehead and making the way all the way down. This kind of kiss can last for hours.


Warmly embracing to some or grasp with arms denotes to hugging. Hug probably comes from the Old Norse hugga, “to comfort.” There are many kinds of hugs: buddy hug, intimate hug,flirting hug,bear hug, back hug, polite hug, one way hug,Hugging around the waistline,Hug for the sake of etiquette, A warm hug to express affection, Wish you well types of hug, Hugging around the waistline, Shoulder nap hug, Cuddling types of hug, The awkward hug.


Caressing refers to move hands gently over someone’s face or body, expressing you love them.It can create a sensual experience based on touch and support to demonstrate your love for them in a non-utteredapproach.

c) Sexual Activity:

Sexuality encompasses nearly every aspect of our being, from attitudes and values, to feelings and experiences. It is influenced by the individual, family, culture, religion/spirituality, laws, professions, institutions, science, and politics.Sexuality is about one’s sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviours towards other people

Sexuality may include: Sensuality, Intimacy, Sexual Identity, Sexual Health & Reproduction, and Sexualization

2- Spirituality: A path to satisfaction

This is a quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. Higher levels of spirituality are strongly correlated with higher life satisfaction.


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