

General knowledge Science

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Q1:The SI Unit of charge is?
Q2:Deficiency of Vitamin A causes?
💎Night Blindness
Q3:The lifespan of red blood cells is?
💎60 days
Q4:The density of water is?
💎 1g/cm3
Q5: Radioactivityity was discovered by?
Q6:A device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called?
Q7:The average adult has blood volume of about?
Q8:The most abundant element in the universe is?
Q9:The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is ?
Q10:How much air volume Each day human body breathes ?
💎15,000 to 20,00 litres of air
11:The SI unit of pressure is?
Q12: CNG stands for?
💎Compressed Natural Gas
Q13: Instrument for measuring high temperature is?
Q14:Sounds waves are?
💎longitudinal waves
Q15:The lifespan of white blood cells is?
💎01 day
Q16:The fluid part of blood is?
Q17: X-rays were discovered by?
Q18:The planet nearest to earth is?
Q19:When World Trade Center 9-11 incident occurred?
💎11sep 2001
Q20:Urine is produced in?
Q21:Blood is cleaned by?
Q22: According to BigBang theory the universe began about?
💎10-20billion years ago
Q23: Einstein’s famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is?
Q24:The SI unit of elec tric current is?
Q25:What is dry ice?
💎Solid carbon dioxide
Q26:What are primary colors?
💎Red Green Blue
Q27: Digestion of food completed in the ?
💎Small intestine
Q28: Carrot is good source of vitamin?
💎 A
Q29:Which is essential element in all organic compounds?
Q30:Which is the main constituent of natural gas?
Q31:What is meant by?
💎Day and Night Equal
Q32:Kpk was given status of province in?
Q33:The distance covered by a body per unit time called?
Q34:The quantity of Matter present in a body called?

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