Tips for Job Interview

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Tips for Job Interview
When you apply for some job, keep in mind the following tips because there are so many candidates but only as few are selected amongst them on the basis of their well-prepared interview:

1- Practice:

Make Practice and Rehearsal of interview before you go.

2- Complete Information:

You should have Complete Information of the company where you are applying.

3- Formal Dressing:

You must be well-dressed and be in a formal dressing while going for interview.

4- Be Punctual:

Try to be Punctual and follow the proper timing so that you can reach in time.

5- Don’t be Hesitant:

When you are asked some question, be normal and calm. You have to express freely and in a relaxed mood whatever information you have.

6- Compliments:

Try to use Salutations and Compliments when you speak. It has long lasting impression upon the audience. You know courtesy matters.


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