How to Learn English?

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How to Learn English?

English is our international language and it is need of the time to focus on learning English especially. Learning English is not as tough as is supposed to be. In fact, every language takes time and practice to learn but you feel English difficult because you don’t have environment of English generally.

Communication Skills:
There are four basic skills of communication which matter whatever language we want to learn i.e. Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. All are equally important but its nature of man that he learns more through listening from his surroundings and using the same words then. These skills will be explained in detail.

Learn Through Listening & Speaking:
Our proficiency depends upon basic communication skills and it is rightly said that out of these basic skills, listening and speaking comprise about 69% of total communication.
Here are some suggestions useful and easy to implement. Just apply these tips in your daily life and see the difference:

1- Overcome Your Hesitation:
The first and foremost thing is to put your hesitation aside. Many of us are those who are well-qualified and have studied English Language throughout 10 to 14 years of their educational period and know the basics of English but feel it difficult to express in English before others. So keep in mind, the most important thing when you speak in English is that you have to feel that you are not hesitant and will express your thoughts freely. You are really not less than others but thinking makes it so. So make your thinking strong.

2- Every Word Should Be Clear:
In the initial stage of your learning, when you speak, your every word should be clear because most of people are nervous, not calm and cool while speaking. So try to utter all the words quite clear that you and your audience can understand it easily.

3- Don’t Repeat Any Word:
In haste, people repeat the words or sentences many times. Remember, it doesn’t leave a good impact upon the audience, rather irritates others.

4- Give Gap or Keep Silent When Feel Difficult:
Instead of repetition of words, when the suitable words are not coming in your mind, give gap, keep silent, think and then speak. Try it; you will really improve your skills.

5- Use Some Habitual Sentence:
In the start, it is very handy that you use some Habitual Sentence most of the time, for example, I mean, you know, I think etc. It is helpful in the sense that your mind can select the word meanwhile.

6- Don’t Be Hasty:
Be confident and relaxed. Speak in calm voice. Nobody is running after you. It takes time in learning any language. It is well-known proverb, “slow but steady wins the race”.

7- Use Short and Simple Sentences:
Try to use short and simple sentences. Don’t be involved in the selection of high vocabulary because it will shake your confidence and will affect your fluency.

8- Record Your Voice & Listen What You Improved:
In the beginning, you have to observe what have you improved with the passage of time. So it is the best way to judge your improvement that you record your voice (in your mobile phone or PC) and listen to it. Every time you listen, you should notice, is there any change in fluency and accent or not?


9- Learn Pronunciation from Dictionary:
Sometimes you can not express your thoughts in English because you feel that the word you are going to use may be incorrectly pronounced by you and you are shy to utter it. It is better if you install some dictionary in which you can hear pronunciation of words. You can start listening pronunciation of words from its first page or whenever you need to know the exact pronunciation, you can consult it. It is very handy tool in getting skills and will boost your confidence.

10- Learn The Intonation/Accent/Dialect:
Every language has its own intonation or accent. You are not a native English Speaker, so your accent or dialect will obviously be different. For this purpose, listen to the news or some audio in English which matches with your interests also.

11- Practice The Vocabulary You Learn from People:
As listening skills matter a lot in learning some language, so when you hear some new vocabulary word and like it, try to use in your conversation with correct pronunciation.

12- Join Some Discussion Forum:
There are many discussion forums or web groups that you can join for asking some questions, confusions or exchange of ideas with other people in English. This will improve your learning skills.

13- Think in English:
Try to think in English because what you think becomes easy for you to express. Go through it and observe a change.

14- Write on Some Topic Daily:
It is very essential for learning English that you write on some topic daily whether one paragraph or more, about any object in your surroundings or any other topic e.g. corruption, politics, friends, family, routine work, your likes and dislikes, some incident, story you hear or read etc.

15- Find People with Similar Interests & Have Gossips in English:
As mentioned above, write daily as well as have gossips in light mood with the persons of similar interest on any selected topic. If they are also beginners, you all will improve and enjoy learning in this way.

16- Practice Speaking in The Front of a Mirror:
It is very useful tip that as you were told to record your voice what you speak, same as practice speaking in front of mirror. Nobody is going to mock at you. It is also important to notice your intonation and the way you speak before others. In short, it is your self-judgment in the learning steps.

17- Speak with Your juniors or Children in English:
If you try to speak with your children or those who are junior to you, you will improve a lot and no one will make fun of you because children are also in the phase of learning English and they can’t have a check on your grammatical mistakes, if any.

18- Practice How to Introduce Yourself:
Your introduction is very important for you because in day to day life, you face many people and you have to introduce yourself, so practice in such a way that every time you meet people, you are able to express about yourself fluently in English. Remember, first impression is the last impression and the way you tell about yourself matters a lot.
Make practice of paragraphs about your following features:
Name, family, qualification, age, interest and activities, experience, aim in life or ambition etc.


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