7 Significant Ways To Surmount Your Instagram Addiction (by Shahid Hamid Gill)

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This is not just you; we are in error of overusing with Instagram and other social media. Using Instagram round the clock can waste your time and cause some serious mental plight for you.

Internet addiction has become a popular topic for researchers in the field of media and psychology. Internet addiction is as much dangerous for humans as drug addiction. Previous studies analyzed the fact that Instagram has an effective behavioral effect on people behaviors; and it is potentially addictive. Number of Instagram users is almost touching the sky progressively all over the world.

So whether you are full-on addicted or just a little screened-out, most of us could stand to stay away from the ‘like’ button. Here are seven gifts to shun the habit:

  1. Trench your phone & eliminate your social media apps

Untying yourself from your device may seem ridiculously obvious, but it’s a solution. According to Toronto-based psychotherapist, the first thing that clients should try putting their phone in a different room after a certain time. One person is trying to talk to the other person and that person is on their phone — that can be frustrating, but if you’ve both agreed to leave your phones at the front door, it doesn’t happen. And remove Instagram or other social media apps from your phone altogether. And try to stop reaching for your phone all the time.

Put your phone somewhere far from reach. Like another room or under your bed! Just place it somewhere out of your sight, and it would be easier to forget.

Try to expect at least a few false starts. Consider this your cold-sweats period. It will definitely break the circuit. This will enhance to develop new patterns within a few days.

2. Delay and lineup

You should minimize your time consumption on Instagram, find a better thing to do. This is a learned behavior so that we can unlearn it too. Remember life isn’t a competition where you have to plunge into and Instagram shouldn’t be about “Who is the best.” You can save so much free time and energy by lining up your activities over instagram or any other social media aap. There are platforms which can assist you with that.

3. Mute your hate follows

No doubt, negative feelings can dictate our behavior as much as (or more than) positive ones. Try to unfollow or mute your hate-follows and others whose vacation snaps present you FOMO). You’ll be less tempted to blow up yourself multiple times a day.

4. Come up with happiness outside of your social media world :

You shouldn’t strive to provide to other people that you have a life (a happy life). Instead, you should be living it!

Your life should be about you and how you feel. its not about making sure that other people admire your personality. You have to love yourself.

5. Find a Friend

For the same cause finding a team will help you to keep your vow of Insta-self control whether it’s for a week, a month or just a meal. “You see this game that groups of friends play at dinner, where they stack their phones and the first person to reach for theirs has to pick up the tab. Even a less official, more casual understanding amongst friends can give rise to good times to get the rid off. “You may get together with a group of friends over thanks giving. You are not supposed to have a specific agreement to keep your phones away, but you may indulge in listening to records; and you can have a fun like hanging your phones aside” In other words, try just to have fun even when there is nobody around you to post anything.

6. Your self-worth doesn’t lean on numbers on Instagram

No need to compare yourself with celebrities on Instagram. The number of followers and your engagement does’t characterize you. Think you are much more than this.

If you are using Instagram for business and you need to gain more followers to gain more customers, you can hand it to Instagram automation tools i.e Instagram bots and auto-like, auto-comment, auto-follows and auto DMs. So, these tools will automatically do all your Instagram activities for you what you wanna do and will certainly gift you a lot of spare time.

Therefore, you can take a break from Instagram aap; and you don’t have the pretext of doing your job on it anymore!

7. Turn off your aap notifications :

undoubtedly, In the beginning, when you turn off your phone notifications, you will feel like something is missing, but with the passage of time, it would get easier. You are not supposed to be notified about every little thing which is not fundamental and significant for you.

Instead it would surely cause to create anxiety, restlessness and stress for you when you see your phone screen lighting up every few minutes with notifications. And to much extent, you will get more and more dependent on your phone.

So one of the best solution to crave to overcome your Instagram addiction it to turn your mobile notification off.

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