11 Tidings To Make Thoughtful Weekends – By Shahid Hamid Gill

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The busiest and most successful people use this strategy for restorative weekends. Life is getting so busy that we work like a maniac at our work place all week. If we deem simply flopping down on the sofa and running through a long list of chores, we are certainly not alone. Remove all thoughts and utilize the time in different way so don’t feel exhausted.

As the world is practicing self-isolation and social distancing due to covid-19, we are bound to spend our time in doors. In a certain degree, life is getting bored and our feelings are out of touch. Have a glance at the following tips to get rid of critical phase of this self-isolation:

1) Making Home Weekends a Fun

Certain fun are ready to be grabbed at home during weekend to free you from boredom without emptying your wallet. Grill something new recipe. Take the weekend to go through your old photos and scan them into a digital file. You can even create digital scrapbooks. Put together jigsaw puzzle. You can make a garden box or even an herb garden if you don’t have much room.

2) Engage yourself playing with offspring

Parental endorsement and participating in playing with kids would support beliefs positively related to children’s interactive play skills. Parents and children are lacking to spend enough quality time together due to their busy weekly work schedule. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to participate in fun activities with their children. Activities should be both educational and entertaining including storytelling sessions, toy wash, dress up, car play mats, coin sorting, secret house cleaning, vocabulary board games, puzzles and painting.

3) Exploring Something new over the Internet

Having enough time in your laps, recall your old skills and practice. Get some online study including language diploma. You may start online instructive courses if you are educator, mentor or speaker.

4) Make new friends virtually

According a research, the happiest people in the world have almost 10 good friends, while those with fewer than five good friends have just a 40% chance of being happy in their life.

Social distancing means we cannot meet up with family and friends for the sake of everyone’s health and safety, even small gatherings need to be avoided. However, for this sake, internet is one of the best sources to be utilized with regards to making new friends.

Friendships make us happy or we make new friends because we are happy, the truth is that happiness entails good friendships.

5) Healthy Food and Exercise

Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life and will boost up your immune system. The immune system protects us from disease caused by bacteria, viruses and toxins, and helps remove foreign bodies and malignant cells from our system. In addition, the immune system is responsible for down-regulating immune responses against external harmless triggers such as food, or against the bodies’ own tissue. In short strong immune system is a big fighter against diseases. So continue light indoor exercised because your physical fitness is connected to your mental security.

6) Stay Busy at Home

Certainly, there are plenty of things around the house that could spruced up comprising to reorganize the pantry, paint a door frame, or install floating shelves. These look minor home updates but will improve the environment, and thus your mood would be eventful. Tide up the house and segregate household things for better utilization comprising even charity purpose.

7) Detach a little bit

It’s not really a big deal to switch off the phone entirely. Sleep with your phone out of your bedroom. Before going to the bed turn off mobile notifications. When you wake up before dawn, don’t touch it. Grab a notebook or piece of paper, and plan your priorities for the day. Work on your top priority first thing in the morning. Do it right away and don’t check your email until you finish

8) Break a bad habit

All of the habits that you have right now — good or bad — are in your life for a reason

You might be able to break your bad habit by choosing substitute. You need to have a plan ahead of time for how you will respond when you face the stress or boredom that prompts your bad habit. Cut out many triggers like smoking as possible.

Whatever it is, use the weekend to take stock of where you might have fallen short, and make a conscious decision to rectify it next week for the better imminent and pleasant life.

9) Demonstrate ‘thank you’

Though, it’s such a small thing, but so many people lacking their manners on a daily basis. This weekend, even if you are at home make sure you actively say thank you to everyone who gives you leg up. Embrace this habit and bring back to your work place to shower the influence of this good practice.

It’s eliminate the grunge and showers the light of love in the hearts.

10) Try to get 8 hours of sleep

You need to sleep almost eight hours in order to improve concentration and productivity. As poor sleep is linked to higher body weight and depression. Definitely, poor sleep can cause your immune system and you might be easily a victim of prevailing covid-19.

11) Take down your accomplishments

Make sure you take a note of those goals which were attained. Don’t ponder pounder upon the ones you think you should have. This will help you identify what actually makes you happy; and will draw you out of the stress and would curb the anxiety state.

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